Over the last two decades I have had the lovely opportunity to work on television, on films which have been on Netflix, Amazon, Sky, and Apple TV, and in cinemas. And I’ve successfully build a CV of credits in award-winning features, worked on over a dozen national and international campaigns (commercials), and treaded the boards at various theatres, while also having two babies, living through a pandemic and a million other obstacles, and pairing up with another actor (two actors in one family! Eeek). So I really mean it when I tell you ‘I get you!‘. I believe that we all get to be, do and create, anything we want for ourselves as long as we are willing to try (Yoda will tell you there’s no such thing as try!), and do.

I’ve contributed as a guest writer to many of the biggest acting sites on the planet including writing for BackstageCasting Networks, Spotlight, Acting4Camera, Verite Magazine (when it was in publication), and more.

Going back 14 years ago, I founded the UK Actors Tweetup (still going strong) and then later the BIFA qualifying TweetFest Film Festival in London and continue to interview casting directors, agents, award-winning directors, and producers, as well as teachers, and coaches from all over the world. And I’m now a BIFA judge myself, as well as being on various juries of many prominent festivals around the UK over the years. I even founded the World Acting Summit many years ago which was one hell of a feat – a completely free global online television show that ran for two weeks with international industry professionals chatting each day.

Why do I tell you all this? Because I love to enthuse, guide and nurture actors in a business sense, and to help mentor them for success. (And even business professionals too). And I personally think it’s important that someone mentoring you actually know about the business, and is in the business. How else can they coach you for success.

A lot of the time actors just get stuck because they don’t know what to do next. And that’s where I come in. I want you to win in the business of acting. I want you to stop getting in your own way, and start enjoying acting success like you never have before. There is enough work for all of us, and you deserve to be following your dreams. 

Actors have a hard enough time as it is. Don’t make it any harder for yourself. Get a mentor (doesn’t even have to be me) to support you, guide you, and help you elevate your career to take it to the next level. 

I was very daunted by the prospect of searching for a new agent during such difficult times within the industry and terrified of getting all the NO’s. Working with Angela really helped me to get things in perspective and breakdown what I needed to do to get myself out there. Understanding my type and how to promote my best attributes was key and aiming for the right agents. Guiding me through the process, supporting me every step on this journey really gave me the confidence I needed and an invaluable sounding board of reassurance. After sending out 20 emails I then sent a further 20. Hard work…yes, but I ended up with 4 interviews and a straight-up offer. Talking through the pros and cons of each with Angela, I felt secure in my choice and very excited about the new relationship with my new representation. Angela even helped me with saying goodbye to my old agent and it couldn’t have been a sweeter parting of well wishes. I would and have highly recommended Angela to anyone considering new representation or other areas of your career that need some polish!

Georgina / UK Actress

Such is the influence that Angela Peters will have on you. An inspiring and motivating woman that radiates Melinda Lee Harvey positivity. She helped me believe in myself and taught me that I can aspire to great things – things bigger than my body represents, bigger than the town I live in and a lot more than my heart could imagine. It is through her non-judgemental and humble approach to life that she leads by an example you want to follow… I did. Through work and personal challenges, Angie guided me, but let me make the decisions for myself, and to trust my own choices. She has a gift to be able to teach, coach, guide and lead… as well as a genuine love of helping people.

Melinda-lee Harvey / Global Jetsetter

Reach out if you’d like to talk further.