Thanks for popping by. It turns out that B.A.B.E. is actually over 10 years old now… can you believe it. Wayyy back when I (Angela Peters – that lady above smiling into the camera dreaming of eating a donut once again…I’m gluten free you see) decided to start a mentoring business for actors who couldn’t […]
Recently I wrote my first article for the UK’s number one casting site, Spotlight, on all things self taping with children. Have you been freaking out about having to do self tapes while you have kids under the age of 3 in the house? Yes, I did too.
Okay so….queue long emotional dramatic music…. I now have a toddler going on tween and a school kid (how did that happen!!!!) so for me, the school holidays are about finding the best return on distance to travel vs costs. If you’re hoping to spend October doing some fun activities without breaking the bank, here […]
The Monster mums And just like that, I’m going on a rant! NOTE: This blog post has literally nothing to do with acting. I don’t mind how you want to raise your child, but I really don’t love it when it’s shoved in my face. If you only feed your baby organic, vegan, nutritious snacks […]
I was very daunted by the prospect of searching for a new agent during such difficult times within the industry and terrified of getting all the NO’s. Working with Angela really helped me to get things in perspective and breakdown what I needed to do to get myself out there. Understanding my type and how […]
lockdown is still here and it ain’t going anywhere Oh aren’t we all busy humans. Once lockdown 1.0 finished, London and the UK started to open like a flower. Suddenly sitting in a cafe felt like the coolest thing I had ever done. But alas, we are now in Lockdown 3.0 and things are grim […]
This lockdown has been life-changing. For so many of us, we never expected we would ever see this in our lifetimes. For a select few, they’ve been saying this is coming for a very long time (just catch a few TED talks and they’ll tell you – references at the bottom). Sadly it is happening. […]
I’ve been finding this lockdown is all sorts of crazy for acting parents. There’s a plethora of free content available, including casting director one-to-ones and free talks, and yet it’s nearly impossible to tap into any of them! Why? Because you have one or more squealing children in tow following your every move around your […]
I think it’s always important as an actor, and more importantly as a mentor, to be completely transparent. And today I want to chat about epic fails. Epic fails of the life and baby and acting variety. I have been struggling to keep up. I always considered myself a doer, rather than a gonna, but […]