Okay so….queue long emotional dramatic music…. I now have a toddler going on tween and a school kid (how did that happen!!!!) so for me, the school holidays are about finding the best return on distance to travel vs costs. If you’re hoping to spend October doing some fun activities without breaking the bank, here […]
Category Archives: Acting blog
lockdown is still here and it ain’t going anywhere Oh aren’t we all busy humans. Once lockdown 1.0 finished, London and the UK started to open like a flower. Suddenly sitting in a cafe felt like the coolest thing I had ever done. But alas, we are now in Lockdown 3.0 and things are grim […]
This lockdown has been life-changing. For so many of us, we never expected we would ever see this in our lifetimes. For a select few, they’ve been saying this is coming for a very long time (just catch a few TED talks and they’ll tell you – references at the bottom). Sadly it is happening. […]
I think it’s always important as an actor, and more importantly as a mentor, to be completely transparent. And today I want to chat about epic fails. Epic fails of the life and baby and acting variety. I have been struggling to keep up. I always considered myself a doer, rather than a gonna, but […]
I said to a mate the other day that I’ve become “that girl”; the one I would meet when in my twenties and scoff at because she insisted she was a healthy hippy who didn’t eat much meat, rarely wore deodorant (I do draw the line at that one), took her healthy homemade lunch out […]
Over the years I’ve genuinely heard and been asked the funniest things from actors about Casting Directors… Like ‘Is it okay to be in touch with a Casting Director to offer to take them out, after only booking one job?’, or ‘Could I call a Casting Director and ask them to vouch for me when […]
Oh yeah….it’s toddler time and it is not pleasant. And I’ve already been warned that “threenagers” are even harder. But I really am not sure if he could get much worse than now.. Here’s an example of my exceptional parenting on the weekend – yes, this is the middle of a quick shop to get […]
The wonderful G-spot. And I’m not talking about that sexy little passtime better left for reading about in Mills and Boons books or that amazing podcast The Hotbed Collective (seriously people this podocast is genius). I’m actually talking about spotting your Acting Goals (oh that G-spot!!). Spotting your main goals and then systematically working on […]
Since becoming a mum, so many things have become clear that I had no idea about before. There’s a love I know that is fierce and fast. There is frustration I know that is quick and crazy. There is serenity that I know, only when they’re asleep. And there is a dependence that I know, […]
Something really really bad happened a few years ago. I am okay. I didn’t get hurt, but someone else did. Physically and emotionally. And there may have been more women I don’t know about. Police were involved. An arrest was made. Hopefully that’s the end of that particular predator trying it on with young vulnerable […]