Category Archives: Tips for actors


self taping with kids

Recently I wrote my first article for the UK’s number one casting site, Spotlight, on all things self taping with children. Have you been freaking out about having to do self tapes while you have kids under the age of 3 in the house? Yes, I did too.

Lockdown 3.0 for you (and where I’ve been)

lockdown is still here and it ain’t going anywhere Oh aren’t we all busy humans. Once lockdown 1.0 finished, London and the UK started to open like a flower. Suddenly sitting in a cafe felt like the coolest thing I had ever done. But alas, we are now in Lockdown 3.0 and things are grim […]

Ways to Stay on the Right Side of a Casting Director

Over the years I’ve genuinely heard and been asked the funniest things from actors about Casting Directors… Like ‘Is it okay to be in touch with a Casting Director to offer to take them out, after only booking one job?’, or ‘Could I call a Casting Director and ask them to vouch for me when […]

Why you need to get into voiceover now!

Ever a fan of encouraging guest posts here on B.A.BE., this one is a special one. Not only is Paul McLaughlin an established voiceover artist and actor in his own right, but he’s also gone on to build a fantastic business coaching voice artists, and generating content. He’s provided us with numerous tips over the […]

Give me a T….Give me a T O D D L E R!

Oh yeah….it’s toddler time and it is not pleasant. And I’ve already been warned that “threenagers” are even harder. But I really am not sure if he could get much worse than now.. Here’s an example of my exceptional parenting on the weekend – yes, this is the middle of a quick shop to get […]

Your G-spot

The wonderful G-spot. And I’m not talking about that sexy little passtime better left for reading about in Mills and Boons books or that amazing podcast The Hotbed Collective (seriously people this podocast is genius). I’m actually talking about spotting your Acting Goals (oh that G-spot!!). Spotting your main goals and then systematically working on […]

Safety at every single audition

Something really really bad happened a few years ago. I am okay. I didn’t get hurt, but someone else did. Physically and emotionally. And there may have been more women I don’t know about. Police were involved. An arrest was made. Hopefully that’s the end of that particular predator trying it on with young vulnerable […]

The money struggle is real…but how do you fix it?

I’d like to mention at the start of this post that I began writing this just a few months back right before the holidays and then never posted it… I wrote: “This week is not a great week. This is one of those actor weeks where you’re waiting on pay and you’re stressed out; you can’t book a […]

8 Commandments of a Successful Headshot Session – with Backstage

I had the most wonderful headshot session this year with a woman I have recommended to about a 1000 actors over the years. This is the second time I’ve booked in with her! Her name is Jennie Scott and she is a London based headshot photographer. And no, she doesn’t give me commission for telling […]

The greatest gift of all

I always wanted to be Wonder Woman growing up. It’s no secret. All of my mates are aware that I own the costume, and some of my friends have even let me dress as Wonder Woman for parties when it didn’t even fit the ‘dress up theme’ (thanks Sarah!). And I like to think that, like Wonder Woman, each […]