For the last six years I’ve been running the UK Actors Tweetup, alongside a bunch of incredible folk. And now the time is here for our first ever short film festival, AKA TWEETFEST. This week we announced the final line up for the gala event taking place at the Hackney Attic at Hackney Picturehouse on November 3rd. Thrilled to bits that this is all coming together.
Here are the 9 amazing short films screening on this coming Tuesday night, 3rd Nov:
- Help Point – Writer/Dir: Andy Margetson @andymargetson
- The Devil’s in the Detail – Dir: Tomasz Aleksander @TomAleksander
- Stereotype – Dir./Editor: Jordan McGibney @McgibneyJordan
- Gerry’s Garden – Dir: Jobie Nam @jobienam
- Countryphile – Producer: Joanna Thapa, Writer/Dir. Ruth Sewell @Dauntless_Pics
- Sea Child – Dir: Minha Kim @letsbeminha
- Jump – Writer/Dir. Richard Anthony Dunford @Kerzam_Inc
- The Prey – Writer/Dir: James Webber @DirectorJWebber
- RinGtone – Writer/Dir: Andy Hui – IMDb
I guess when you put your mind to it and say, hell…why not make a short film festival happen, you really can do it. Well, we say that now don’t we… Days before the actual event opens. I keep thinking, will there be enough chairs? I hope we don’t run out of alcohol! Or worse, what if noone shows up!
But worries aside, my favourite thing about London is the way in which people come together and are always willing to (for want of stealing a great catchphrase from years gone by, thanks Richard Branson) champion new talent. When you ask for things, the universe literally runs towards you with open arms offering all sorts of brilliance. I mean, who would have thought if we just asked Hackney Picturehouse that they’d say yes. Or that all the amazing VIP judges would give up their time to watch our finalist short films. Or that the incredible Casting Networks would come and join us as our key sponsor. WOW.
If you want to know more, you can see everything on our site, dedicated solely to the TweetFest short film festival…and we are planning on this being an annual event. So don’t go running off abroad just yet. We want you to stay around and make amazing films.
TUES Nov 3rd
Hackney Picturehouse – Hackney Attic
270 Mare St, London E8 1HE
Doors open at 7pm and the screening starts at 8pm promptly so don’t be late.
Dress to impress – there’ll be photographers present.
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