I often talk about the UK Actors Tweetup, or you may have been to the event, or seen it on the Acting Resources page. This month we are delighted to welcome the wonderful Rachel Sheridan, from Rachel Freck’s office (amongst others) at Thirst Bar, Soho, to talk.
The reason why Rachel is so great to meet is her wealth of experience as a Casting Associate and Casting Director, and her honest and funny approach. Rachel began her casting career working with Pippa Ailion on Musicals such as “Wicked”, “Legally Blonde”, “Billy Elliot”, “We Will Rock You” and “The Lion King”. She now works in TV, working primarily with the casting director Rachel Freck on various TV comedies and dramas. Notable shows include Twenty Twelve, W1A, Him & Her, Peter & Wendy, Holy Flying Circus, The Game, Life in Squares, Love Nina, Hunderby and Roald Dahl’s Esio Trot (starring Dustin Hoffman, James Corden).
The UK Actors Tweetup, which I founded way back in 2010, prides itself on being one of the only major networking organisations in London (well the UK in fact) for actors and filmmakers that is truly affordable, and brings with it some of the biggest names. Our tickets for this event are only £5.
The event starts at 6.30pm and we will be sitting in a room, with our drinks chatting openly with Rachel followed by a Q&A with questions from the audience. These events are always a treat, and they allow actors a chance to ask those questions they’ve always wanted to ask but can’t in an audition scenario.
Tickets here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-awesome-rachel-sheridan-joins-us-to-chat-tickets-32127228405
If you’d like to know more about the filmmaking network called the UK Actors Tweetup, then see our website for more details or to subscribe to our monthly newsletters: www.ukactorstweetup.com
Hope to see you there. And if you do stop by for the first time, come and say hello so I can meet you personally!