GUEST POST: Disney Auditions and why your demo reel is important by Marie Skillern

I am absolutely delighted that Marie was able to share her industry knowledge with my B.A.B.E. readers about demo reels for Disney. With Disney movies like ‘Into The Woods‘ being shot in the UK right now (and obviously other Disney movies in LA and NY and the world) it’s important as actors that we think […]

A time to reflect

With the recent knowledge of a wonderful acting friend passing away, I wanted to dedicate this post to Amanda, a truly beautiful, talented and giving individual who will always have a piece of my heart. There’s so much beauty in the world that I would hate for a second to miss it. And the great […]

A collision course with doing something…anything…just not nothing

Following on from a talk I heard last week with some wonderful filmmakers (directors, producers and actors) I am massively inspired (it was 12.30am when I wrote this as a draft) and keen to write down all the things I constantly want to share with filmmakers who are starting out. And it all focuses around […]

GUEST POST: The secret to the art of performance

Felicity Jurd first appeared on B.A.B.E. a few months back with a wonderful post on voice overs. Felicity is now back to share some of the secrets to the art of performance…rehearsal! I hope you enjoy.   The secret to the art of performance – By Felicity Jurd Lately in my classes, I have been struck by the number […]

The way we share

As you will see in my e-blog (posting soon) I was delighted to see some beautiful sharing on set from co-workers recently. I felt so privileged to work with them on the project, not because it was a glossy high budget Hollywood movie, because it wasn’t, but because they were ridiculously professional, focuses and giving, […]

New Client Landed

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I got dropped

Ooooh the title says it all really. I got dropped. I actually got dropped off a project. It is near enough to a year ago now so it isn’t fresh and I’m not rocking myself to sleep each night crying. But I did feel a little (read that a lot) resentment at the time. Actors […]

Your “Entourage”

Well if Adrian Grenier can have one, so can I. Right? Your personal entourage is extremely important. I bet if you sit down right now and make a list, there is a very good chance you have half a dozen people in that list already…if not more. Think about it. Let’s start with the easy […]

An Amazing responsive and Retina ready theme.

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