The Big Picture…for actors

So I am really excited to announce something…right when we are in Autumn and actors aren’t sure if they are ready to run away and hide or push on until the end of the year something is about to happen. And luckily you get this little gift to keep you pushing on before the end […]

A couple of ‘chick’ things

So I was pretty furious about the whole iCloud incident. I went on a massive rant about these women, namely Jennifer Lawrence, having their personal pictures exposed to the world. They didn’t ask for it and they certainly hadn’t given us access prior to that imbecile getting them and posting them on 4chan. And here’s […]

How now brown cow

The age old adage from that brilliant song “don’t worry, be happy” is the truest thing I know right now. I am such a fretter. I can’t help it. I worry if rent will be paid on time, if I’ll keep making enough to be an actor, if I can afford babies later (yes girls […]

6 justifiable reasons why actors should take a day off

Right at this moment I’m sitting in a gorgeous cafe in Cheltenham soaking up the relaxed ambience, within this quaint little town. This little locale is charming. It’s visually beautiful and it’s also everything that is quintessentially British. My partner is off filming and I have a “day off”. And what a funny moment that […]

Meditation is rocking my world

This week I read something fabulous in a teeny little book my cousin bought for me as a gift, that was called “the little book of mindfulness”. Have you seen it? It’s the cutest little green book that you can buy in Oliver Bonas and other little stores that sell fabulous kitsch stuff. Anyway, this […]

The circus in your head

The very idea of “making it happen” (acting) can sometimes feel like you have a circus going on in your head. There’s a ringleader shouting “Roll up, roll up ladies and gentleman for this spectacle called your life”. There a clown bumbling around making people laugh cause they don’t know what the hell is really going […]

Letting your crowd decide

Seth Godin touched on a cool point this week about listening only to the top 40. It got me thinking about the mass-market angle of acting, and what we do, what we see, and what we perceive, to be the way forward. We can always go down the angle of being all things to all […]

Four Things Drama School Never Told You

So one thing I love is finding new resources and places to read about what I do…acting. And recently I found London Actors’ Hub. The reason I like them is I love what they’re doing, I love their blog, and I love what they have coming up. So I was delighted when they asked to come […]

Acting help needed? Just ask

Yes it’s as simple as that really. Just Ask. What? You just ask for what you want? Yes you absolutely do! When faced with a challenge, chances are you will respond in one of two ways – procrastinate or jump right in and go for it. Sadly, more often than not, I see actors run […]

GUEST POST: Why I love being a voiceover artist

Introducing the fabulous, and fabulously sounding, Rachael Naylor. Rachael works full time in the UK as a voiceover artist and you might even recognise her as the voice of Virgin Media, amongst other voices. I have been bugging Rachael to guest blog for me for a while now as she is constantly providing me with wonderful […]