There is nothing I love more than bringing back guest bloggers to share more stories, and ladies and gentlemen, today is that day. Writer Jody Medland, who has recently released his first novel, The Moors, is back to talk about writing and acting and all things related. This blog really resonates with me for so many […]
Category Archives: Front Page
Didn’t you just love the sexy soft voice of Benedict last week sharing why he would not like to see any red lights in the audience of people taping his performance (pasted below); Politely but effectively begging his fans to ripple his message out via social media to encourage audiences to appreciate why they are at the […]
This is the wonderful moment where you tell me EVERYTHING about yourself and I listen. I sit patiently and I nod at the appropriate times and I listen to whatever the f&@% you are saying about yourself because I can hardly even remember what you just said because it’s been so long since I’ve taken […]
You might have heard me last year chatting live on a webisode with the brilliant LA based Emily Grace. And later in the year guesting on her incredible two week program The Big Picture where she had all kinds of speakers talk about the industry from various vantage points (finance to well-being and spirituality), sharing […]
What a bloody brilliant question. What do you do when you’re resting as an actor? And how do you balance all that free time you have now, post committing fully to taking on part-time work and freeing up some space to immerse yourself in actor land? The first challenge that I see come up for […]
I got a little email recently from a little producer/director who wasn’t particularly pleased that I had emailed him. To put the following email excerpt (below) into context, I had spotted a really interesting non paid studio job that I really thought I might be right for. Granted it was a production email looking for a […]
When I was a little girl I went to a primary school where I was taught by nuns. Long before my arrival there these nuns administered punishment in a way now banned. Naughty children would lay their tiny hands out on the old wooden school desks and receive a belt over their knuckles or a ruler firmly […]
It’s an argument that comes up a lot. “Do I pay to be seen by a Casting Director (CD) in an organised workshop, or not.” Actors fork out money left and right and we never know where our next pay cheque is coming from. So do we spend that last months corporate job cashola on […]
There are two types of people in the world. Those who commit and those who complain. Indeed at first glance this might appear to be mildly simplistic. But think about it. People either get on with it and commit to their goals, or they complain and carry on about why it didn’t or can’t possibly […]
We get so caught up in being perfect we forget that we are born flawed. Anyone remember the film Gattaca? With enough money any person could born a certain perfect way and poor Ethan Hawke’s character, Vincent, just wants to go to space but his DNA isn’t quite right? I wonder why don’t I see the world […]