I don’t want to alarm anyone but we only have a few more sleeps until Christmas….are you ready? Presents bought? Agent and Casting Director thank you’s sent?
I am sitting in a cafe right now and Under the Boardwalk is playing. It’s reminding me of misspent youth, of days in the sun riding my bike through pineapple fields, of Christmas lunches in 30 degree weather. Ahhh how wonderful it is that the holiday season is upon us. AND to get you in the mood, I’ve written you a little song 🙂
On the twelfth day of Christmas
my favourite actor sent to me:
Twelve actors pantomiming
Eleven singers singing
Ten monologues for learning
Nine thespians dancing
Eight males selfie-ing
Seven artists duologing
Six girls a penciling
Five Star Reviews
Four calling recalls
Three French roles
Two Times Oscar Winner
and a Part in Paddington Bear III
Watch out Taylor Swift…turns out I’m a lyricist 🙂
But when I’m not busy writing incredibly catchy tunes like the one above (only my mum can love my singing), I get busy on the ol’ acting business.
As 2017 draws to a close, as agents and casting directors shut up shop, and as we get ready for time with our families, friends and loved ones, make sure you take a moment for yourself to reflect. Realise that everything you achieved this year is exactly where you are meant to be right now.
Make 2018 the year you shift something significant. Make it the year you no longer wait in line for the career you dream about. Make it the first time (or hundredth time) you wake up loving your life and literally wanting to jump out of bed every single morning. Can you imagine that feeling? Do you get it already? Utter bliss.
I also want you to take a moment to think about all the jobs you’ve booked and done. All your successes, all your triumphs, all your blissful happy acting moments, auditions, recalls, pencils, and the likes.
Well done you!!
And on that note.
Our birthday giveaway…
Do you remember we recently had our eighth birthday here at B.A.B.E. headquarters? And in honour of our birthday, we had Sharon Sorrentino‘s brilliant acting book, The Audition Room, to give away to one lucky B.A.B.E. reader?
Well that lucky person has been chosen! Wahoo. After Sharon and I read through all the hilarious responses on the BABE Facebook page, we unanimously decided (HA – the two of us) that Abey Bradbury was our lucky winner. Congrats Abey and enjoy reading this insightful book over the holidays. I can officially say hand on my heart that I have read this brilliant acting book and it is ah-mazing.
Oh and pssst, we have another competition going to win a B.A.B.E. mentoring session, but you have to be on our email list to get the down low on all the details. So don’t forget to get on the list – subscribe.
Final BABE update
In the new year I’ll have more exciting news to share about some awesome B.A.B.E. stuff that will benefit every and any actor all over the world. Please pop on over and add your name to our mailing list if you want to be the first to find out what that is… I promise you, it’s really good.
And on that note…I’m off to carols… On the Twelfth Day of Christmas… la la la.
Happy holidays you gorgeous B.A.B.E.s!
Angela x